Sunday, 31 March 2013

Wrong Direction

We turned left at the end
of the universe.

We were meant to go right.

And now the stars are
behind us
as we move
farther and farther away.

And the light goes out.
And it is dark.
And the world we once knew
                             fails to materialize.

We went left
We were meant to go right.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Off centre

Like everything in life is
At the moment.

I have been
Hung at an angle.

Converging lines that
Somewhere in the not too distant
Will collide.

Crossed paths
That never should meet.

No business is it of theirs
If I struggle to balance
Keep my keel even
They were designed to be parallel
Set apart

I was flawed
Made uneven.

Nailed to the wall.

Sunday, 17 March 2013


There was a problem starting
Your data…
Message to the world;
There always has been.
Why it should change now
Is beyond me.
But it’s there,
In black and white,
In print,
For everybody to see.
Turn me off and on again.
If that doesn't work
Try a reboot.
But I think it’s the hard drive.
Faulty wiring from the start
You see.
Some problems can’t be solved,
Besides time has marched on
Maybe it’s best to upgrade;
Bigger, better, brighter.
I belong to the past
With all those other gadgets
You forgot about.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

small steps, a mighty fall

I slip
and it aches
against the universe.
No worse
than the day

and yet

when did it become
all moments?

A breath
I struggle to make.

My air
to leave it's home
without a fight.
My fall from grace
in its simplicity.

But still it aches
as I slowly
come undone.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

They do not grow old...

A never ending life
Only without the living part.

You will stay the same
Stationary in time.

Caught at forty five
As we grow old and weary.

And if the world begins to forget
We shall whisper your name
Gentle on the breeze
To soar over oceans.

One word to keep you close
Embroidered into spaces between us.

Because it will not matter
Where you are
You will always be here.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Oh still small voice

the crushing storm
left you battered

and bruised

almost to the point
where you are
with fear

a small voice of calm

who whispers
in your ear
you have been here before

and you have won.

The Girl Who Waited

I was never worshipped
Or adored
Not with any passion;
All consuming.

Loved, yes;
Steady and gentle.
Acts of betrayal
Without question
As if there was nothing
To it;
Water off a ducks back.

Like that
Was all that was needed.

And I should be grateful.
I should.
I know I should.

Because that is who I am.

Just me, here,
Waiting for your mercy,

Just someone who waits.

But underneath all this
I wanted to be some bodies world.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

In your hands

Some days
I know too much
and not enough
at all
like I have stared
into the very heart
of life
yet come away