Saturday, 25 January 2014


We could never lose,
Were never meant to,
At least that what we were
Led to believe.

Rotten waste sculpted,
Laid out for all to admire
And gasp at;
The genius of an artistic mind,
Beautiful without even knowing.

Only it all bollocks,
Complete and utter,
As my father would like to say
And apparently the rest of the world,
If you care to ask.

Do you care to?
Or did you know all along?

Plotting to hide the truth away
Leaving just me,
A faltering idiot,
Who all could laugh at.

Monday, 13 January 2014


I wanted to keep you
Even when I knew I couldn’t

Far passed the end of the road
Worn and fading
You were the only thing which remained real
I didn’t want to let go
To be cast adrift

I wanted to keep you
Find a way to bring it all back
Make you smile again

Like I owed you

My safety net
The last heart that would ever been mine.

(I saw the others fall away.)

Friday, 10 January 2014


Was there beauty in the words she whispered
Close against your ear?

Because I thought I saw you cower,
Sink down to shredded knees
And weep as innocence was lost.

My mistake;
She could never be
anything other than an angel watching over you.

Bonded, bound, broken

We are made up of layers
like over the centuries
have been bonded together to be
made strong.

A mass
of impenetrable armour


Worn out under the gaze of
traitors in our midst.

Now my layers are nothing but
a covering of tissue paper strung out
against her wind.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

feeding time at the asylum

I have fed you pain and lies
Twisting words
Blending them into mush
Before sieving them through your soul
To watch as they bled between veins
A witness for all that you lack.

Saturday, 4 January 2014


I say nothing,
Like we could forget.

Then amidst your call
You tell me you haven’t;
I will not be forgotten.

But I want you to Mum.

I want to edge out,

I want to walk the line
Until the day it runs out
(Or becomes so blurred against life
the two become indistinguishable.)

To be the shadow in the corner,

To seep quietly out through my veins

And if I fail at that
To drag from the depths of self
A world where there is no place for me.

I want to do all that in silence.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

A year goes by...

I haven’t gotten over it
Nor come to terms
Or found that
Time heals all wounds,
We miss you the same
As we did
At the start,
But life has plans,
Systems in place
To get you through those
Hard days
And you find that the ache
Which clung to your bones
So wantonly
Has moved,
Guided to it’s final
Resting place.
And it hasn’t shrunk,
Or lost it’s gravity,
You have expanded
To hold it.
Tender round the edges
we accept the pain
Because it is part of
What is left of you.
But not everything.