Saturday 16 April 2011


You asked me
who I am?
I got to thinking
and all these words
floated round.
but I couldn’t
focus on any.
And then it hits me…
there lays the answer.
What if I’m nothing?


  1. One of your comments brought me back to this old poem of mine- one of those ones I know off by heart because it held all the fears and insecurities I could never say out loud.

  2. I am so devastated. You are so deep. No wonder I adore your poetry, these words of your heart. I can die upon them. I know them, I feel them and its reflection upon this life. The intelligence, the soulful depths, the sanity on the verge of insanity. So probing and so mournful without self-pity, yet, not without hope. There has to be a word for this, but I cannot find it. All I have is you, to remind me of this essence. **cling** You must never leave me, and must write for my eyes to see, forever. Well, alright, at least until you get into University and don't have as much time to write. I'll just have to understand.
