Friday 10 June 2011

Cookies and Cream

Under the punishing pull
of your upper hand,
stuck in this rut,
your face
radiates a smug self satisfied smile;
you thought you had the world
but she struggled to stay afloat,
under your radar,
a girl drip dropping away.


  1. "Under the punishing pull
    of your upper hand"

    What a magnificent opening. Punishing pull of your "upper hand", so horribly symbolic of reality. How many girls and women get this sense of disadvantage from the petty Lordlings who are men. I have witnessed with disgust how we Lord it about as if we were really anything more than overblown, decaying meat sacks full of astonishing pretensions. And how my heart emotes indignation that this might be foisted upon a Queen.

    For the love of a Queen, I have slain the Dragon Lord of Garapan and I took his name. I ground his usury into his face and his ugly head now hangs on a pole. Tales will be told of this one day. It cost me my life and it was worth it. This is what a man must be.

    How my soul honors and adores the Queens of the earth. And I am so proud that you are one of them, Queen Monster. To every Queen I say, let no man put his foot upon your neck. This is not worthy of you. Where are your knights, O Queen? I am in the mood to thrash someone for laying down on the job.

  2. My knights have been slain by the pretty Princesses who promise the vision of paradise but they will return when they have scratched the surface and beg for forgiveness. Knights are so easily tempted but their failures will make the Queen strong, one day able to battle against all that seeks to destroy.

  3. I hear, concur and agree, My Lady. Your depths serve you well, as they always do. This is why you are Queen.
